Donate Today

Your contribution, no matter the size, will directly benefit people in need in the North East Arkansas region. Please donate to help us help others!

Why Donate to Stepping Stone Sanctuary?

Homeless not Hopeless

Donating to support Stepping Stone Sanctuary is a compassionate and impactful way to make a positive difference in the lives of individuals in need. Stepping Stone Sanctuary plays a vital role in providing essential services and support to those who require assistance.

When you donate to support Stepping Stone Sanctuary, you’re not just giving money; you’re giving hope, opportunity, and a chance for individuals to rebuild their lives. Your support can be the stepping stone that helps someone regain their confidence, stability, and a brighter future.

Stepping Stone Sanctuary offers a safe and secure environment for vulnerable individuals who may be experiencing homelessness, abuse, or other challenging circumstances. Donations contribute directly to maintaining this refuge where people can find temporary respite and stability.

Your contribution helps provide essential resources such as food, clean water, clothing, and hygiene products to those who might not have access to them otherwise. These basic necessities are crucial for maintaining health and dignity.

The sanctuary likely offers various support services such as counseling, job placement assistance, healthcare referrals, and more. These services empower individuals to rebuild their lives and work towards a better future.

By donating, you’re not only assisting individuals but also contributing to the betterment of the community as a whole. A strong support system can lead to positive changes in the lives of those served, fostering a sense of belonging and cooperation.

Your contribution aids in breaking the cycle of poverty, abuse, and homelessness. By offering a helping hand during difficult times, you’re contributing to long-term change and enabling individuals to escape challenging situations.

Multiple ways to donate!

With so many ways to give back to the community, how could you not choose one?

Donate Money

A one time donation of any amount will be accepted and appreciated.

Donate Goods

Get in contact to see how you can give Clothes, Canned Goods, Non-Perishable Foods, and more.

Money Sign
Give Monthly

Become a monthly giver to show how much you care.

Bonds, Funds, Stocks, and IRA Rollover

Click the link below to get connected with someone who can help.

Vehicle Donations

Get in contact with someone and ask how you can give Cars, Trucks, Bikes, and More

Quick Donation

A small one time donation will go along way! No matter the size of the donation your help is greatly appreciated and will go to making a difference in people’s lives!

Help Stepping Stone Sanctuary provide hope and help to people in your community!