What we do

Stepping Stone Sanctuary is committed to helping with both short-term and long-term needs

Stepping Stone Sanctuary Where homeless does not mean hopeless

As of January 2020, there were an estimated 2366 people experiencing homelessness in Arkansas and is growing every day. Shrinking that number is the ultimate goal at Stepping Stone Sanctuary.

Stepping Stone Sanctuary Homeless Shelter

Stepping Stone Sanctuary is dedicated to decreasing the number of homeless people in Arkansas. On a single day in January 2022, Arkansas recorded 2,366 homeless people in the state, a 3.9% increase from 2020. Unfortunately, that number continues to grow more and more each year.

Living in homelessness does not have to be your reality. To find ways we can help, get in contact with us today via the contact page!

Many people facing homelessness have forgotten what it means to be a part of a community. One thing that is important to us here at Stepping Stone Sanctuary is a sense of community. We work together with each other in many different environments. Programs are offered that encourage individuals to work together to achieve goals.

On the Stepping Stone Sanctuary grounds, you will find a general living quarters, individual bedrooms, cafeteria and more. These places are available for people to grow together.

Giving back to the community is important. It is a great way to boost one’s reputation. Additionally, we provide plenty of opportunities to give back through community service. This includes:

  • Meal Prep
  • Processing Donations
  • Cleaning the Grounds
  • Helping with Projects for City/State

When becoming a resident at Stepping Stone Sanctuary, we aim to provide comfortable living for all people. Because we understand that access to nutritious and nourishing food is essential for the well-being of individuals experiencing homelessness, warm meals are provided twice a day. Additionally, meals are provided once in the morning and once in the evening.

Stepping Stone Sanctuary provides living quarters for residents who have yet to be set up with long-term living arrangements. Reach out to us today to find out what we have available.

Because of the donations from the public, we can provide clothing to those who have nothing.

Stepping Stone Sanctuary

About our Programs

Stepping Stone Sanctuary offers a variety of programs aimed at facilitating long-term solutions for homelessness in the North East Arkansas Area.

Food Pantry

At Stepping Stone Sanctuary we realize the need for individuals to have reliable sources of food.

Many people across the region are struggling with food insecurity. Stepping Stone Sanctuary, along with the help of faithful donors is seeking a goal to help prevent hunger for the homeless.

Hours of Operation: Sundays – 10:30am

Location: 904 W Speedway St. Trumann, Arkansas

12 Step Program – Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a Christian-based, biblically-centered recovery program designed to help individuals overcome a wide range of hurts, habits, and hang-ups. It provides a supportive environment for people struggling with various issues, such as addiction, trauma, codependency, depression, anxiety, and more.

Our program’s approach is structured around a set of 12 Steps and 8 Principles, which are adapted from the traditional Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Each step addresses a specific aspect of recovery, and the principles guide individuals in applying biblical truths to their lives. The emphasis is on surrendering to God’s will, seeking forgiveness, making amends, and developing a closer relationship with God.

Growth in individuals is important. Remember, no matter what you may be facing in your life, there is help out there, and we are here to help!

Long Term Housing Solutions

While Stepping Stone Sanctuary is a great source for short-term housing and living needs, we understand the importance of finding Long-term solutions for individuals. With the help of one of our expert case managers, we are determined to help people find long-term solutions to housing.

Through one of our many connections in the NEA area, we look for the best solutions to fit the need. Although we are a homeless shelter, we want to see our residents thrive in the community. Finding a home for each individual is very important to us.

Whether you have been homeless for a short time or a long time, we strive to teach people the importance of managing money so they can make smart financial decisions when considering long-term living arrangements.

Job Training

Stepping Stone Sanctuary recognizes the importance of having a quality job. Along with our resources and help from the community, we strive to find a great place to start your vocational journey.

We offer:

  • Job Training
  • Financial Training
  • Time Management Training

With the help of our expert case managers, you will get excellent job training as well as financial and time management training. We recognize the importance of making money, but we also recognize the importance of keeping it. Proper time management is a key element to financial stability.

Spiritual Needs

John 14:22 – Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

The word abode is used in the bible as another word for home. Christ is the foundation of a home that is being built in heaven and he desires all to have a home with him! Here at Stepping Stones Sanctuary, we understand the importance of having a home on earth, but we also know it is even more important to have a home built in heaven.

Mark 8:36 – For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

If you would like to attend church we have options available for transportation to local church services.


Donations to Stepping Stone Sanctuary will Help the Homeless

We need your help to continue advancing the programs and services that we provide for the public. A donation of canned foods and non-perishable items is very important to Stepping Stones Sanctuary. Your donation will make a difference in someone’s life.

Click the link below to find out how you can give.

It’s time to make this
world better

Reach out and see how you can help us end homelessness one soul at a time!